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Grouse Guitars, your favourite vintage guitar dealer
1970s Morley Power Wah your premier vintage guitar, bass and amp dealer. Click the 'back' plectrum to go back to the previous page, or click the "Grouse Guitars" nameplate above to go directly to the Grouse Guitars homepage.

I have owned this grouse original issue vintage Morley Power Wah for more than 20 years. It's the original heavy-duty chromed mains-powered type with the photo-electric cell and blind in place of the potentiometers (pots) that always become scratchy and fail on lesser pedals.

The pedal has its original USA mains twin-prong plug, but the pins have been bent to suit Australian sockets, and the circuitry runs on the local 240volt voltage. It would take very little to revert it back to 110volt operation.

This truly collectable and usable vintage wah pedal is in virtual mint condition; I look after my gear very well! Snap it up before it disappears, and you're kicking yourself because you can't find another original! The perfect wah for your vintage valve (or tube) amplifier.

Sold to Genaro

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